Monday, November 29, 2010

Two Weeks without Posting...

I'm really sorry that I didn't post last week! Tbh, I was feeling quite lazy really... But it's all okay, everything's coming this week! I just hope that I can remember...

Not all that much actually happened during the week, well, the week before this one, except I got my French results back from a test, so my first test in Austria. Top marks of the class! Mrs. Bryant, I hope you are proud. And reading this. :)

Then on the weekend (last weekend) Anna came to stay, she was having problems with her host mum and plus we wanted to go clubbing. So on Friday we stayed up late talking and then slept in for ages on Saturday which was really nice for a change! Then Saturday night was our big night. We ended up going to a few pubs and walking around a bit, people gradually peeling off our group of 11 to start off with as the night wore on... But Anna and I really wanted to go dancing so we went to this club that we'd heard about and actually ended up having a really good laugh and and a good dance too.

Then this week I made some really nice cookies with brownie mix on Monday. If you're ever stuck for an idea, it's really good to just put more flour into a brownie recipe until it's cookie consistency because they're really nice!

Also on Monday we found out that a guy from our class had a motorcycle accident on the weekend, we're not entirely sure but I think it involved a tree and going too fast, and now he's in hospital in an induced coma and none of us know what's going to happen. He could be fine but he could also be brain-damaged or paralyzed so we're all hoping for the best, especially because he's always been so nice to me.

Then on Thursday it was Anna's birthday and her host mum threw her a surprise party at the movies. Which was kinda strange because Anna has now moved families and her host mum knew... But you know, nice of her and all. So small but select (4 people from 40 invitees...) we all trekked it over to St. Pölten (about an hour away from me) to celebrate with Anna. It was actually really good to be there for her birthday.

And on Friday two major things: first was a math test that I completely failed. Math here is ridiculously difficult. Especially when we got a formula to work out the answer to, and the rest of the class did an entire page of working whilst I used my calculator. They really need these calculators here, they are true life-savers. But you know, that was only one problem, so for the rest yeah... Good thing I don't need marks for math in NZ! But then. IT SNOWED!!! It was sososososo cool. Man. Then on Saturday there was snow on everything. Hehehe!

So then on Saturday I went and joined Constanze's class again for English. It's so weird learning about your own language like that. Like all of the present perfect, continuous and past imperfect tenses. It was pretty cool though. And there's a guy who went to an international school for ages in Constanze's class, so he's this Austrian guy with an american accent, total crack up! Then I met up with Juan from AFS and we went ice skating. My first time here, although I've been twice before in NZ. Not that I'm particularly good, but you know. Only his second time, and this guy from Ecuador where they don't have seasons because it's hot like 90% of the time was really good! He actually taught me how to do it. Then tried to push me but haha I pulled him over too. So it was actually heaps of fun but today my legs really hurt...

And then today was the first advent in Austria. It's a countdown of the first 4 weeks before Christmas and every Sunday you light another candle on this wreath that sits on the table until the fourth one which means it's nearly Christmas! It's pretty cool actually. So we went to Church this morning and then had lunch with some family friends before it started... SNOWING AGAIN! And it still hasn't stopped at 11pm. Awesome. So Barbara had to take Constanze to her dance school (like the one I do) and then Barbara and I went "punsch trinken" in the snow... It's sort of like punch but not as gross. Well actually it's way better and warm and very typical Austrian so that was really cool. Except that I forgot to put my second pair of tights on so I was wearing one pair of relatively thin tights when it was 0 degrees. Hm. Should really remember that next time...

So, again sorry for the late post but I hope the adventures of, well, me, are still interesting and keeping you all up-to-date on my life in Austria! Till next time...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I think the title safely says it all! The start of the week was slightly average, I was sick for two days and then we had a school trip on Thursday so I wasn't exactly at school much. BUT I did manage to teach my P.E class netball. And although it was being played in a totally wrong way, I think they liked it and I liked finally having some semblance of my sport again!

So, on Saturday we left for Venice at 6 in the morning. Meaning I had to get up at 5.15AM. It was cruel and unsual punishment, but luckily I had a shower on the Friday otherwise it could have been a lot worse... So we started our 6 hour long drive and my host mum, sister and me slept for the most part because it was so early! We got to Italy at about 4 hours, and it was actually quite disappointing. I was expecting border control or some sort of big fanfare, but there was only a sign saying "Welcome to Italy". And it looked exactly like the part of Austria that we had just left. This sort of thing is confusing for a girl who's lived her whole life on an island! But then I realized that actually it was Italy when I saw a sign and realized that I actually couldn't read it. I thought it said we were 1000m above sea level, but apparently it said that a toll bridge was 1000m away. Slightly different... So we drove on through the countryside of Italy and it got way better, actually starting to look like a different country! Then when we got to Venice I got my first taste of what it was like not to understand anyone when we got to the parking garage and Barbara had to talk to the guy. Luckily she can speak Italian otherwise it may have turned out differently!

So we parked the car and then walked across the road to the bus station. Which, in Venice, means the boat station. Because the whole city is covered in canals, the only way to get around is either walking or by boat. How cool is that?! It was different than I expected it to be... It was certainly majestic and mysterious, but I didn't realize the effect that the water has on the buildings, making the water-facing sides quite dirty. And I also didn't realize that a lot of the houses are built on the water. Like literally, you couldn't walk out the back door or you'd fall into a canal. That was really cool. Our hotel was nice as well, like a lot of the buildings it had quite a plain façade, but it was very richly and beautifully decorated on the inside. So after we got settled in, we went for a walk to St. Mark's Square, the central point of city. It was massive and there were heaps of tourists (and pigeons!) but you know, we were tourists too so it was all okay! We walked from there to the biggest bridge in Venice and as we were standing there looking out at the grand canal (the biggest canal) I turn around and this other girl turns around at the same time and it's Sarah from America who is also an AFS student in Austria. What are the chances?! It was so surreal, meeting each other in Venice after having not seen each other since arrival camp (she lives in Kärtner which is about 4 hours away from where I live). So we ended up having a coffee together at a coffee house that we found and talking for so long that the waitress asked us to leave! Like literally, it was really funny. It was great to catch up with her and talk about everything that's different with our lives now.

So that night we went to a real Italian restaurant, and being the only one who could speak enough Italian, Barbara had to order everything for us. Although, it's quite good that she can speak it otherwise we may have been quite lost! The next day it was early to rise, although not quite so early and we went to the otherside of the city and looked at some churches before Constanze and I went off to try and find an infamous Hard Rock Cafe in Venice. It turned out to not be too hard, and we had an extremely overpriced sundae and chips. But it was still cool. Then that afternoon we walked around Venice some more and went to a couple of other churches and then the Accademie museum with heaps of Italian art. Very renaissance. Then that night was another real Italian restaurant with real Italian pizza! Very yummy.

The next day was Monday and our last day in Venice! Far too short... But we did some shopping in the morning and I bought myself a mask and some glass things from a couple of the millions of glass shops in Venice. Apparently it's quite popular. But they do have beautiful things. Then we went to St. Mark's Cathedral and it was amazing, the entire ceiling is decorated with gold enamel and it just looks stunning. After that we did a bit more shopping before having to go and pick up our bags and start the long journey home. There was also an AFS Stammtisch (chapter meeting thing) that night (well, last night) so as soon as we got home I caught the train into Vienna and caught up with some other AFS people. So a very tiring day!

Venice was amazing, and if any of you ever get the chance to go there I would highly recommend it because it's such an awesome city. Ciao for now!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Week of Freedom

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, but I didn't get home till 7.30 and then I was really tired, so unfortunately it seems to be breaking my pattern! So, I had the whole of last week off which was amazing. I got to sleep heaps and not have to worry about school...

On Tuesday there was an AFS Vienna Day, we went to Schönbrunn (a massive castle in Vienna) and did the labyrinth there, then walked up this really big hill to the Gloriette Terrasse which had this amazing view over Vienna, then went to the Naschmarkt for lunch (a marketplace) and then went on the big ferris wheel in Prater. At the Naschmarkt, these two girls come up to Anna and me and ask "are you from New Zealand?" and we were like, yes... OMG! One of the girls also came from NZ! It was so awesome and weird at the same time. This girl's name was Lauren and her friend was Hanna. So Lauren was on exchange in Germany when she was at school, and then last year or the year before (I can't remember which...) Hanna went to NZ on exchange and the two met through AFS and became friends there. Then this year Lauren came to Vienna to study at the business school for a semester and reconnected with Hanna and Hanna came and brought Lauren along to the AFS day on Tuesday. It was so weird hearing another NZ accent after such a long time of only hearing Anna and Nick... But it was awesome all the same.

Then on Wednesday I slept for ages and then decided that I should try making a pavlova. So I went to the shop and got the ingredients, trying to figure out what cream of tartar and cornflour are in German isn't that easy... But I managed to get everything and then started on the pavlova. It actually turned out quite good, well, it tasted right, it's just that it was really flat... I did everything the way it said, but perhaps I didn't beat the egg whites for long enough? What do the other cooks think may have happened?

Then on Thursday I was pretty bored so I texted Nick and found out that he was going bowling with some of the Vienna AFSers and said I could come too. So we all met up, a girl from Hong Kong, one from America, one from Russia and Nick and me and then we went to the bowling place. So first of all, even though Nick's supposed to know where we're going, we miss our bus stop... Then we finally get to the bowling place and even though it's only a Thursday night there are no lanes free. So, feeling disappointed we turn away and try to decide what to do. Nick also tries to get hold of a boy from Ecuador, Juan, who should be meeting us but is on the wrong bus and doesn't know where he is. So we decide to go and catch a bus back to Stephansplatz and find something to do there. We end up coincidentally getting on the same bus as Juan before realizing we're all on the wrong bus that's going to take ages to get there. But nontheless, we got there in the end and went for ice cream and found a pretty deserted fountain down one of the side streets where we could talk, play Ninjamotherfuckingdestruction (I didn't make up the name, surprisingly AFS did!) and dance. In the middle of the street. Turns out Latin-American people can dance really well! So all in all, a good night.

Then on Friday I caught the train to Anna's place in St. Pölten (a town about an hour away) and went and saw her school and then stayed the night. Luckily she had movies and a computer because she doesn't have any internet or TV at her house... Then on Saturday we went shopping for a ball dress for her in Vienna, and had Cinnabon! They have Cinnabon here! It was seriously amazing. Luckily it's quite far away, so I can't go there very often... But yes, luckily we found her a dress because that night was Anna's ball! It was really fun and a good chance for her to hang out with the people in her class and try to network and everything... And also a good night out dancing. Then on Sunday we slept for ages which was again, very good, and then made pancakes for lunch because we couldn't think of anything else that we had ingredients for! I also learned that Anna is more obsessive than me when it comes to flies and she ran around swatting them all because they were annoying her so much. Very funny to watch!

So last week was a good week and this week should definitely be as well, seeing as we're going to Venice this weekend! I won't be able to update until Tuesday, but watch out for the next installment!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nearly Two Months!

Wow. It's been so long already, but then again I can still remember the flight and arriving and everything after that. I'm sorry to break my pattern and write this on a Monday, but there was a party last night for Halloween and I have the rest of the week off school, so I thought I better include it!

So Monday was school again, no volleyball, so fairly normal. Then Tuesday was a great day because I didn't have any school! I met up with Anna, unfortunately very early... But it took us ages to find each other because of my crappy sense of direction (more on that later) and the fact that we were both talking about different places... But in the end it was all okay! We met up and went to her host brother's place and then went to the military parade. The reason we all had the day off was because the 26th is a national holiday, the day the last Russian soldier left Austria, so they have a military parade and demonstrations to celebrate the day. So we went and watched that and had a walk around the centre of Vienna and then caught the train out to the suburbs of Vienna for lunch at this cool pizza place that Anna's host brother knew. It was a good day.

Then Wednesday was dance school again and the package from mum came with my new dance shoes and a NZ t-shirt which was really cool. So I didn't get yelled at by the strict teacher, yay! But it was actually pretty cool, I danced with one of the instructor guys which was actually really nerve-wracking because I was really scared about making a mistake! I don't think I messed up too badly which was good... And then I danced with this other guy, who it turns out my host family know because he's the son of their dentist. Like really, everyone knows everyone!

Then on Friday it was my host sister's birthday and also a girl from AFS, Ana Maria's. Nick ended up coming with me to both, and it was quite funny at my host sister's because we pretty much just mocked each other the whole time, as NZers do, and I realized that is something I miss. People always knowing that you're only joking and sarcasm being the main form of communication. But anyway, then we moved onto Ana Maria's party, but thanks to my aforementioned terrible sense of direction we ended up catching the underground and walking around for about an hour in Vienna before finding it. Luckily he has a lot of patience and that we found a lot of things to talk about! I had pretty much given up all hope of ever finding the place and then suddenly it was just down the street and we ended up making it for like 45 mins before we had to go again... But hey, Camille taught us both a simple salsa in that time and it was good fun to do some normal dancing!

The next day I met Constanze at her school, I was actually quite proud of myself because it was slightly complicated and quite a long way from where Conny lives (Constanze and I both stayed the night at Conny's place because she had school the next day and I was going to go and meet her for English class) and I managed to get right outside the school building before getting lost, so it was all okay! They talked about To Kill a Mockingbird which was good because I had to read the book last year for English. It's quite impressive really, we read that book last year and Constanze is the year behind me in school, so they're reading it and studying it even though English is their second language... Then after the lesson I went to the two major shopping streets in Vienna to get a costume for the Halloween party on Sunday night, a present for Conny and to have a look for a dress for the ball. I managed to do all three and ended up buying a dress for the ball (Anna's on Saturday) and it looks really cool! Whilst I was going from one of the main streets to the next with the underground, I heard these two American women behind me, saying something about how they weren't sure with which underground they needed to go in order to get back to their hotel. I thought, seeing as I speak perfect English, I would help them, so I turned around and asked them if they needed help and they assured me that they always needed help and it turned out they were going the same place as me so I went with them. It was really interesting talking to them actually, and when we'd figured out where they needed to go, one asked me, "where did you learn such good English?" I had to try very hard not to burst out laughing and told them that I'm actually not Austrian but from New Zealand and am on exchange here. I found out that they were from Seattle which was cool because that's where my grandparents used to live so I knew a bit about it and we talked about Europe and America and New Zealand and it was really cool being the one who actually knew the city.

Then on Sunday I slept for ages and then just read and things before going to the Halloween party on Sunday night. I went as a fallen angel with a black dress, wings and horns. It was actually really good, at first when I walked in I didn't recognize anyone there and got a bit worried, but it turned out we had a room at the back that I hadn't seen before and luckily there were lots of people I knew there! It was cool to hang out and relax, speak German and socialize and we played this funny dare game as well. And then there were some people there that I hadn't seen since shortly after I arrived from the first party I went to, and they commented on how good my German had become since then and it was a good night. The only thing was that I stunk of smoke when I came out because it wasn't non-smoking so everyone was just lighting up. It didn't bother me at the time, but then when I went outside and realized that my clothes didn't smell very nice that wasn't so good! But you know, it's Europe!

So all in all a good week and now I have a week of no school to look forward to, yay! :)